No. |
Location |
In Service |
Withdrawn |
Condition |
Livery |
BS 1 (1st), SOP Car 6 |
Renumbered BS 1 (1st) - 30 August 1939. Converted to MRS 2 - 9 July 1977. Converted back from BRS 226 - February 1997. Leased to National Rail for use as a radio test vehicle - December 1997. Returned - April 1998. Operational (SG) |
VR Blue and gold |
BS 201, BS 1 (2nd) |
Converted from AS 11 - 29 June 1982. Renumbered BS 201 - 21 August 1984. Sold to WCR - October 1995. Converted back to AS 11 - October 2005 |
BS 2 (1st), BS 13 (2nd), BS 213, SOP Car 7 |
Steamrail |
Renumbered BS 2 (1st) - 30 August 1939. Converted to MBS 1 - 28 January 1966. Converted back as BS 13 (2nd) - December 1983. Renumbered BS 213 - 22 December 1983. Renumbered back to BS 2. Operational |
VR Blue and gold |
BS 202, BS 2 (2nd) |
Converted from AS 2 - 8 October 1982. Renumbered BS 202 - 14 December 1984. To 707. To SRHC - 2017. To be converted back to AS 2 |
BS 3 (1st), SOP Car 8 |
Renumbered BS 3 (1st) - 30 August 1939. Converted to MBS 2 - 28 January 1966. Converted back from BRS 227. Operational |
VR Blue and gold |
BS 203, BS 3 (2nd) |
Converted from AS 10 - 23 December 1984. Renumbered BS 203 - 10 April 1985. Leased to WCR - 1993. Sold to WCR - April 1995. Damaged in derailment - September 1995. To be converted back to AS 10? Stored |
V/Line Mk II |
BS 4, SOP Car 9 |
Renumbered BS 4 - 30 August 1939. Converted to MRS 1 - 9 July 1977 |
BS 219, BS 5 |
Converted to VAC 2 - 10 April 1962. Converted from SS 286 as BS 219 - 23 December 1989. To SRHC - 17 March 2018. Stored |
V/Line Passenger Mk II |
BS 218, BS 6 |
Converted to VAC 1 - 2 April 1962. Converted from SS 285 as BS 218 - 27 June 1990. To SRHC - 17 March 2018. Stored |
V/Line Passenger Mk II |
BS 7 (1st) |
Converted to BRS 224 - 25 November 1983 |
BS 7 (2nd), BS 207 |
Converted from AS 5 - 12 August 1983. Renumbered BS 207 - c. April 1984. Leased to WCR - 1993. Sold to WCR - April 1995. Converted back to AS 5. Converted back to BS 7 (2nd). Converted back to AS 5 |
BS 208, BS 8 |
Renumbered BS 208 - 20 December 1984. Sold to WCR - October 1995. Converted to Aurizon crew car QBCY 8 |
BS 215, BS 9 |
707 Operations |
Converted to VFS 4 - 10 April 1962. Converted from VFR 215 as BS 215 - 23 December 1990. To 707 - 17 March 2018. Operational |
VR Blue and gold |
BS 10 |
Converted to VFS 1 - 1 March 1962 |
BS 11, BS 214 |
Converted to VFS 2 - 15 March 1962. Converted back from VFS 214 as BS 214 - 23 December 1990. Renumbered back to BS 11. Operational (SG) |
VR Blue and gold |
BS 216, BS 12 (1st) |
Converted to VFX 1 - 26 March 1962. Converted back from VFX 216 as BS 216 - 26 November 1991. To SRHC - 17 March 2018. Stored |
V/Line Passenger Mk II |
BS 217, BS 13 (1st) |
Newport Workshop, West Block? |
Converted to VFX 2 - 3 April 1962. Converted back from VFX 217 as BS 217 - 15 October 1991. Stored, available to 707 & SRHC for spare parts |
V/Line Passenger Mk II |
BS 14 |
Converted to VFS 3 - 28 March 1962 |
BS 212, BS 15, BS 12 (2nd) |
707 Operations |
Converted from ABS 2 - 16 November 1972. Renumbered BS 12 (2nd) - 21 June 1983. Renumbered BS 212 - May 1985. To WCR - September 1995. Operational |
VR Blue and gold |
BS 204 |
Converted from AS 4 - 5 November 1983. Converted back |
BS 205 |
707 Operations |
Converted from AS 14 - 22 December 1983. Leased to WCR - 1993. Sold to WCR - April 1995. Operational |
Vintage Rail Travel Mk II |
BS 206 |
Converted from AS 206 - 20 May 1985. To WCR. Converted back to AS 8 |
BS 209 |
Converted from AS 1 - 10 September 1984. To Steamrail. To SRHC - 2017. Converted back |
BS 210 |
Converted from AS 210 - 25 September 1985. Sold to WCR - October 1995. Converted to crew car QBCY 10-W |
BS 211 |
Converted from AS 3 - 7 August 1983. Converted back |