Swing Door
VR: 1917-1983
  • VicRail: 1974-1983
MTA: 1983-1984

Class Information
Dogboxes or Doggies
Name origin
Swing Door: as opposed to the Sliding Door then in service
Number in class
Total: 288
First run

Builder Information
VR - Newport Workshops
Build date
1917 - 1924

Wheel Information
Broad: 1,600 mm (5 ft 3 in)

Electric (Overhead Lines) Information
Electric System(s)
1.5 kV DC
Current collection method
Traction motors
4 x 105 kW (141 hp) GE239
Top speed
50 mph (80 km/h)
Class Types
Year Type Description Max No. of class
1917 ABCM class 1st / 2nd class motor cars 2
1917 ACM class 1st class motor cars 100
1919 ACD class 1st class driving trailers 13
1919 AT class 1st class trailer cars 16
1919 BCM class 2nd class motor cars 27
1919 BT class 2nd class trailer cars 88
1920 BCD class 2nd class driving trailers 9
1921 D class Driving trailers 32
1921 M class Motor cars 145
1921 T class Trailer cars
1926 ABM class 1st / 2nd class motor cars 7
1931 AM class 1st class motor cars 6
1940 BT class 2nd class trailer cars 29
Trains of Victoria