The main font used on this site is "Lexia Readable", and was chosen with accessibility and legibility in mind.
This font is designed to help dyslexic readers by using features like the non-symmetrical b, d, p and q, generous spacing and excellent screen clarity.
This dyslexic friendly font was chosen as, unlike some other dyslexic friendly fonts, it included a greater range of extended characters (eg: £, ü) that were needed on this site
Cable tram lines
All attempts have been taken to ensure that these are an accuate record of the routes, while also making them easy to depict.
Cable tram line diagrams depicted on this site have been produced with the best available information.
Unfortunatly at this time, due to these existing so long ago, and records not being detailed or complete enough, to be able to depict them in the detail I would like.
Some details like exact stop names, location of stops, and even the number of stops, is not available.
I have based these stops from current tram stops, which are roughly a city block apart, and from localities that would have most likely have had a stop (eg. train station, church, important building, football oval).
Other details like junctions into car barns are not possible to distinguish which direction the tracks connected.
Double track / single track sections and crossovers also can't be properly depicted.