Class Max No. of class Loco Nos.
  8 1 - 8
Trailer ? ?

Class Max No. of class Loco Nos.
Baldwin Tram 5 1 - 5
Phoenix Tram 3 6 - 8
Trailer ? ?

Class Max No. of class Loco Nos.
1903 - Single-truck, California combination 12 1 (1st) - 7 (1st), 8 - 9, 10 (1st) - 12 (1st)
1904 - ex Steam trailers 4 13 (1st) - 16 (1st)
1913 - Bogie, open toastrack tram 2 17 (1st) - 18 (1st)
1913 - Bogie, drop-end-and-centre combination
(ex PMTT/M&MTB C Class)
1 5 (2nd)
1914 - Bogie, drop-end-and-centre combination
(ex PMTT/M&MTB E Class)
2 17 (2nd) - 18 (2nd)
1915 - Single-truck, California combination
(ex PMTT/M&MTB J Class)
3 4 (2nd), 6 (2nd), 7 (3rd)
1916 - Bogie, drop-end-and-centre combination
(ex HTT/M&MTB N Class)
5 1 (2nd), 2 (3rd) - 4 (3rd), 23
1916 - Single-truck, California combination
(ex HTT/M&MTB M Class)
9 2 (2nd) - 3 (2nd), 6 (3rd), 10 (2nd), 12 (2nd) - 13 (2nd), 19 (1st), 19 (2nd), 20 - 21
1917 - Single-truck, California combination
(ex PMTT/M&MTB B Class)
3 7 (2nd), 14 (2nd), 16 (2nd)
1917 - Bogie, drop-end-and-centre combination
(ex HTT/M&MTB P Class)
3 24 - 26
1920 - Single-truck, straight-sill combination
(ex FNPTT/M&MTB R Class)
1 22
1924 - Single-truck, Birney safety cars (longitudinal seats) 2 11 (2nd), 15 (2nd)
1925 - Birney safety cars
(ex MTT G Class)
4 27 - 30
Scrubber 2 Scrub 1 - Scrub 2
Trailer (ex Ballarat horse car) 6 Trailers 1 - 6